Fish&Chip Run - spring cheer


Fish&Chip Run 10 - Winter Warmer

Some 58 elises, Pete's ubiquitous racing green monster and number 288. Lots of slippage, fishtailing off of roundabouts and escaping into oncoming lanes to avoid lock ups !


Fish & Chips run 6 - the Cotswolds & Blenheim palace

Learn more about this and other huge events at Andy Ballinghalls F&C site

Sadly, I cut elises out from these pics, some of the original pictures are here:

blenheim 1, blenheim 2, action1

click on thumbnails - remember that my scanner is crap

some more F&C6 pics, courtesy of Rob Gordon:


and finally: " Naaaa Pete !..... Dont do it ! "

The Jackals Racetrack 1998 Richard Morris